The user can employ a free text search in the search pane on the top left side of the main view. Multiple words in the search query are treated as “OR”, i.e., the documents where both terms occur are filtered. The result of such a search is a set of documents that satisfies the specified query term and the active filter. It means that the search serves as an additional filter.
The user can load a list of named entities (names, persons, locations, etc.) that are relevant for the document exploration. These named entities are then included in the exploration. This is done by clicking on the blue “load list” button next to the search input pane.
Universität Hamburg
Language Technology Group
Prof. Dr. Chris Biemann
Vogt-Kölln-Straße 30
22527 Hamburg
+49 40 42883 2386
biemann at informatik dot uni-hamburg dot