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CAM: The Comparative Argument Machine

The Comparative Argument Machine (CAM) project is developed by the Language Technology Group at the University of Hamburg. As a starting point for a bigger scientific project the current version compares two objects via a large database. The main goal of the CAM project is the comparison based on understanding of natural language and to output natural language sentences as a result.

If you want to learn more about the project or help to develop it, feel free to contact us. A live demo is available online.


Currently, there are two ways to deploy the CAM project to your own machine: With or without Docker. You will find instructions for both ways here.

Deployment with Docker

Web app

  1. Install Docker and Docker Compose
  2. Clone the CAM repository from GitHub: shell script git clone cd cam
  3. If you’re using Docker Toolbox, you need to change the HOSTNAME constants in url-builder.service.ts to match your Docker machine IP (instead of localhost). You can check the Docker machine IP via docker-machine ip.
  4. Start Docker containers: shell script docker-compose up -d

Now CAM is up and running. You should be able to access the frontend app in your browser:
Or directly receive search results from the backend (as JSON objects):
(The parameters of this URL are described below.)


Preferably, Elasticsearch should also get its own Dockerfile or should be build from a Docker image with Docker Compose. To use the suggestions feature, cross-origin resource sharing must be enabled for all origins in the elasticsearch.yml config:

http.cors.enabled: true
http.cors.allow-origin: "*"

With Elasticsearch set up, the suggestions index can be created: ```shell script cd cam/src/Backend/create_suggestoins_index/ python

Alternatively, extract [`es-nodes.tar.gz`](/cam/es-nodes.tar.gz) to Elasticsearchs' default nodes location (`/var/lib/elasticsearch/`).

## Deployment without Docker

1. Clone the CAM repository from GitHub:
    ```shell script
    git clone
    cd cam

### Backend

1. Go to the backend folder:
    ```shell script
    cd src/Backend
1. Download [Python]( and install [Pipenv](
1. Install requirements:
    ```shell script
    pipenv install
    pipenv run python -m nltk.downloader stopwords
    pipenv run python -m nltk.downloader punkt
    pipenv run python -m nltk.downloader averaged_perceptron_tagger
1. Download the following files and place them in [`src/Backend/data`](src/Backend/data) (needed for the InferSent model):
    - [Glove Embeddings](
    - [InferSent model](
1. Change default hostnames and search type:
    - On default, Elasticsearch should be running on as specified in [`config.json`](/cam/src/Backend/config.json).
        If you host the Index on a different cluster, change `elasticsearch.url` in that file.
    - The default search index is `depcc`.
        If you want to change this, change `elasticsearch.index` in [`config.json`](/cam/src/Backend/config.json).
1. Start the backend API:
    ```shell script
    pipenv run python
   (If the Elasticsearch needs authentication, specify `ES_USERNAME` and `ES_PASSWORD` environment variables.)

Now the backend is up and running.
You should be able to receive search results from the backend (as JSON objects):  
(The parameters of this URL are described [below](#API).)

#### Frontend

1. Download [Node.js](
1. Enter the frontend working directory:
    ```shell script
    cd src/Frontend/camFrontend
1. Install Angular dependencies:
    ```shell script
    npm install
1. Change default hostnames:  
    On default, the backend is running on `localhost`.
    If you want to change this, maybe because you deployed the project to another server, change all `HOSTNAME_` constants, e.g., `HOSTNAME_DEFAULT`, in [`url-builder.service.ts`](/cam/src/Frontend/camFrontend/src/app/services/url-builder.service.ts).
1. Start the frontend app:
    ```shell script
    ng serve -o

The frontend app will automatically open in your web browser.

# Updating

## Updating with Docker
```shell script
docker-compose down
docker rmi cam-frontend cam-backend
git pull
docker-compose up -d

Updating without Docker

```shell script git pull

Start the program like described [above](#installation).


To access the API, URL parameters can be used.
The structure is described underneath:

BASE_ADDRESS/cam?model=MODEL&fs=FS&objectA=OBJA&objectB=OBJB&aspect1=ASP1&weight1=WEIGHT1 ```

The base address depends on the backend deployment URL.

Example URL: http://localhost:5000/cam?model=default&fs=false&objectA=dog&objectB=cat&aspect1=size&weight1=3&aspect2=food&weight2=1