![]() Par4Sem![]() |
can be installed in three different ways. While the first way allows to run only the frontend component from any web server (or even locally using a browser), the other two approach requires installation of Docker.
Minimal installation
* Download the frontend zip file from [here](http://ltdata1.informatik.uni-hamburg.de/par4sem/par4sem/)
* Unzip the file and either 1) put the whole file in your web-server (such as apache) or 2) open the index.html file in your browser.
* If you deploy the file in a webserver, access it with the context name (if you deploy the file under the folder par4Sem, access it as (<a href ="http://WEBADDRESS/par4sem">http://WEBADDRESS/par4sem</a>)
* Voila you are done 😄   Â
Complete local installation
Use resources and database dumps on local Machine.
Follow this approach if you like to install the complete `Par4Sem` software in your local server.
**Requirements**: To run the whole application you need to fulfill the following:
* [Docker Engine](https://docs.docker.com/install/) and [docker compose](https://docs.docker.com/compose/install/)
* RAM ~4GB
* Hard Disk: ~100GB (for different resources and database dumps)
All the resource files such as phrase2vec embeddings, OpenNLP models for parts-of-speech tagging, tokenizations, and sentence splitting, Wikipedia frequency counts are available [here](http://ltdata1.informatik.uni-hamburg.de/par4sem/resources/). Database dumps for the different paraphrase resources such as PPDB 2.0, JoBimText DT, WordNet, SimplePPDB and CWI datasets are available [here](http://ltdata1.informatik.uni-hamburg.de/par4sem/database/). [here](http://ltdata1.informatik.uni-hamburg.de/par4sem/datasets/).
To start ``Par4Sem``:
* Download the [docker-compose](https://github.com/uhh-lt/par4sem/blob/master/docker-compose.yml) file.
* Download the [database dump](http://ltdata1.informatik.uni-hamburg.de/par4sem/database), unzip and put them under ``dumps`` folder
* download the [resources file](http://ltdata1.informatik.uni-hamburg.de/par4sem/resources/), unzip and put them under ``data`` folder
* start the docker as ``docker-compose up -d``
From source code
* Clone the source code from GutHub: `git clone https://github.com/uhh-lt/par4sem.git`
* run `mvn clean install` inside par4sem directory
* copy the DockerFile, and the web/targte/par4sem.war file to a directory of your choice
* Run `docker build -t par4sem . `
* Follow Step two above but make sure to edit the docker-compose file to point to the new image you build.