Paper accepted at SocInfo 2018 conference in St. Petersburg
Newsleak will be presented at the Social Informatics conference 2018 which takes place from 25-28th of September in St. Petersburg, Russia. The conference paper is published in LNCS series of Springer (here). A preprint can be found here.
Abstract: Investigative journalism in recent years is confronted with two major challenges: 1) vast amounts of unstructured data originating from large text collections such as leaks or answers to Freedom of Information requests, and 2) multi-lingual data due to intensified global cooperation and communication in politics, business and civil society. Faced with these challenges, journalists are increasingly cooperating in international networks. To support such collaborations, we present the new version of new/s/leak 2.0, our open-source software for content-based searching of leaks. It includes three novel main features: 1) automatic language detection and language-dependent information extraction for 40 languages, 2) entity and keyword visualization for efficient exploration, and 3) decentral deployment for analysis of confidential data from various formats. We illustrate the new analysis capabilities with an exemplary case study.